Unleash Your Digital Potential

Partner with The Digital Xpert

Change by Design by Tim Brown book beside smartphone
Change by Design by Tim Brown book beside smartphone

Digital Marketing For You

We are an established digital marketing agency with eight years of experience that is focused on delivering high-performance results and assisting businesses in maximizing their online presence, while also sharing the knowledge we have gained through our experiences.

We understand that you have a choice when it comes to digital marketing agencies, which is why we strive to provide exceptional service that exceeds your expectations.

So why choose The Digital Xpert? Because we are more than just an agency - we are your partner for digital marketing success.

gray Apple wireless keyboard beside black tablet computer and stylus pen
gray Apple wireless keyboard beside black tablet computer and stylus pen

About Us

We are a group of digital marketing enthusiasts who are passionate about creating effective campaigns that yield results. Our primary goal is to deliver the best possible results to our valued clients, which is why we exist.

We help our clients with everything from Facebook ads to content marketing to designing marketing funnels

We constantly seek to expand our knowledge and expertise guaranteeing the delivery of effective marketing strategies. Whether you're looking to boost your social media engagement, improve your search engine rankings, or drive more traffic to your website, we've got you covered.

white printing paper with Marketing Strategy text
white printing paper with Marketing Strategy text


Our focus is on developing digital marketing campaigns that prioritize ROI. In addition to this, we engage in a continuous cycle of learning, application and testing of digital marketing concepts and strategies to a diverse range of clients, including executives, entrepreneurs, SMEs, and corporates.

At "The Digital Xpert", we provide a comprehensive suite of digital marketing services designed to help you grow and succeed online. Our team of experts specializes in the following services:

Digital Transformation Of Business

  • Online Retailing and Aggregators

  • P2P Platform Management

  • Recommendation System

  • Page Assortment

  • Use of AR, VR, and Metaverse for Enhancing Consumer Engagement

Search Marketing

  • SERP (Search Engine Results Page)

  • Keyword Analysis & Strategy

Search Engine Marketing

  • Banner Advertisement

  • Display advertisement

  • PPC

  • Bid and PPC calculation

On Page SEO

  • Website optimization

  • Meta tag, H tag, Alt tag

  • Internal backlink

  • Sitemap

  • Robot.txt

Off Page SEO

  • Backlink Management

  • Article submission

  • Blog submission

  • Map listing

  • Business listing

  • Social backlink

Social Media Marketing

  1. Platform Selection:

    • Choose the most relevant social media platforms based on your target audience and business goals.

  2. Content Strategy:

    • Develop a content plan that includes a mix of text, images, videos, and stories.

    • Align content with your brand voice and messaging.

  3. Community Engagement:

    • Interact with followers, respond to comments, and build relationships.

    • Encourage user-generated content and foster a sense of community.

  4. Analytics and Insights:

    • Monitor performance metrics (likes, shares, reach, etc.).

    • Use data to refine strategies and optimize campaigns.

  5. Paid Advertising:

    • Explore social media advertising options (e.g., Facebook Ads, Instagram Promotions).

    • Set budgets, target audiences, and track ROI.

  6. Campaign Management:

    • Plan and execute targeted campaigns (e.g., product launches, seasonal promotions).

    • Measure success and adjust tactics as neede

Facebook Marketing

  • Facebook Ad Account Creation

  • Facebook Page creation

  • Creation and Management Of Facebook Campaign

  • Ensuring Facebook Page Engagement

Google AdWords

  • Account creation

  • Customer research

  • Campaign creation

  • Campaign management

  • KPI’s of successful campaign

Online Storytelling

  • Instagram marketing

  • Insta influencer

  • Instagram Ad Creation

Twitter Marketing

  • Twitter marketing

  • Twitter campaign

  • Twitter Ad Creation

Exploring YouTube

  • YouTube Marketing

  • Video Advertisement Creation

Contemporary Social Media Marketing

  • WhatsApp Marketing

  • Snapchat Marketing

  • Reddit Marketing

  • Pinterest Marketing

B2B Marketing 

  • LinkedIn Marketing

  • LinkedIn Campaign

  • Personal Branding using LinkedIn

  • LinkedIn Ad Creation

Website Creation & Management

  • User-Centric Design:

    • Create a website with a user-friendly interface.

    • Prioritize intuitive navigation and responsive design.

  • Content Management System (CMS):

    • Choose an appropriate CMS (e.g., WordPress, Wix, Squarespace).

    • Regularly update content, images, and pages.

  • SEO Optimization:

    • Optimize website content for search engines (meta tags, keywords, alt text).

    • Monitor site performance using tools like Google Analytics.

  • Security Measures:

    • Implement SSL certificates for secure browsing.

    • Regularly back up website data.

Influencer Marketing

  • Identify Relevant Influencers:

    • Research influencers in your niche or industry.

    • Consider their audience demographics and engagement rates.

  • Collaboration Strategies:

    • Reach out to influencers with a genuine proposal.

    • Define campaign goals and expectations clearly.

  • Content Co-Creation:

    • Work with influencers to create authentic content.

    • Leverage their creativity and storytelling abilities.

  • Measurement and ROI:

    • Track campaign performance (reach, engagement, conversions).

    • Evaluate the impact of influencer collaborations.

Google Analytics

  • Setting up an Account

  • Account Structure

  • Tracking and Reporting

Managing Marketing Analytics

  • Analysing Customer Reviews

  • Twitter Analytics

  • Sentiment Analysis and Exploring Consumer Emotions

  • Viral Marketing

  • Selection of Optimal Channel for Advertisement

  • Ad effect

Google Tag Manager

  • Setting up a Tag

  • Setting up GTM

  • GTM Structure

  • Types of Triggers

  • Advantages of GTM

  • Measuring campaign effectiveness

Email Marketing

  • Creative Creation

  • Email Campaign Management

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facebook button pins

Get in touch

Email : info@thedigitalxpert.com

Email : sujit@thedigitalxpert.com

Email : anjan@thedigitalxpert.com